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【目录】仁爱版八年级英语上册PPT课件 详细介绍:



unit1 Topic 1I’m going to play basketball Topic 2We should learn teamwork Topic 3The school sports meet is coming unit2 Topic 1You should see a dentist Topic 2I must ask him to give up smoking Topic 3Must we exercise to prevent the flu? unit3 Topic 1What's your hobby? Topic 2Everyone had a good time Topic 3What were you doing at this time yesterday? unit4 Topic 1Which do you like betterplants or animals? Topic 2How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake? Topic 3The Internet makes the world smaller 期中考试期末考试
  • unit1
  • Topic 1
  • 《I’m going to play basketball》SectionA PPT
  • 《I’m going to play basketball》SectionA Flash动画课件
  • 《I'm going to play basketball》SectionA MP3音频课件
  • 《I'm going to play basketball》SectionB PPT
  • 《I'm going to play basketball》SectionB Flash动画课件
  • 《I'm going to play basketball》SectionB MP3音频课件
  • 《I'm going to play basketball》SectionC PPT
  • 《I'm going to play basketball》SectionC Flash动画课件
  • 《I'm going to play basketball》SectionC MP3音频课件
  • 《I'm going to play basketball》SectionD PPT
  • 《I'm going to play basketball》SectionD Flash动画课件
  • 《I'm going to play basketball》SectionD MP3音频课件
  • Topic 2
  • 《We should learn teamwork》SectionA PPT
  • 《We should learn teamwork》SectionA Flash动画课件
  • 《We should learn teamwork》SectionA MP3音频课件
  • 《We should learn teamwork》SectionB PPT
  • 《We should learn teamwork》SectionB Flash动画课件
  • 《We should learn teamwork》SectionB MP3音频课件
  • 《We should learn teamwork》SectionC PPT
  • 《We should learn teamwork》SectionC Flash动画课件
  • 《We should learn teamwork》SectionC MP3音频课件
  • 《We should learn teamwork》SectionD PPT
  • 《We should learn teamwork》SectionD MP3音频课件
  • Topic 3
  • 《The school sports meet is coming》SectionA PPT
  • 《The school sports meet is coming》SectionB PPT
  • 《The school sports meet is coming》SectionC PPT
  • 《The school sports meet is coming》SectionD PPT
  • 《The school sports meet is coming》SectionA Flash动画课件
  • 《The school sports meet is coming》SectionA MP3音频课件
  • 《The school sports meet is coming》SectionB Flash动画课件
  • 《The school sports meet is coming》SectionB MP3音频课件
  • 《The school sports meet is coming》SectionC Flash动画课件
  • 《The school sports meet is coming》SectionC MP3音频课件
  • 《The school sports meet is coming》SectionD MP3音频课件
  • unit2
  • Topic 1
  • 《You should see a dentist》SectionA PPT
  • 《You should see a dentist》SectionA Flash动画课件
  • 《You should see a dentist》SectionA MP3音频课件
  • 《You should see a dentist》SectionB PPT
  • 《You should see a dentist》SectionB Flash动画课件
  • 《You should see a dentist》SectionB MP3音频课件
  • 《You should see a dentist》SectionC PPT
  • 《You should see a dentist》SectionC Flash动画课件
  • 《You should see a dentist》SectionC MP3音频课件
  • 《You should see a dentist》SectionD PPT
  • 《You should see a dentist》SectionD MP3音频课件
  • Topic 2
  • 《I must ask him to give up smoking》SectionA PPT
  • 《I must ask him to give up smoking》SectionA Flash动画课件
  • 《I must ask him to give up smoking》SectionA MP3音频课件
  • 《I must ask him to give up smoking》SectionB PPT
  • 《I must ask him to give up smoking》SectionB Flash动画课件
  • 《I must ask him to give up smoking》SectionB MP3音频课件
  • 《I must ask him to give up smoking》SectionC PPT
  • 《I must ask him to give up smoking》SectionC Flash动画课件
  • 《I must ask him to give up smoking》SectionC MP3音频课件
  • 《I must ask him to give up smoking》SectionD PPT
  • 《I must ask him to give up smoking》SectionD MP3音频课件
  • Topic 3
  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionA PPT
  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionA Flash动画课件
  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionA MP3音频课件
  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionB PPT
  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionB Flash动画课件
  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionB MP3音频课件
  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionC PPT
  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionC Flash动画课件
  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionC MP3音频课件
  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionD PPT
  • 《Must we exercise to prevent the flu?》SectionD MP3音频课件
  • unit3
  • Topic 1
  • 《What's your hobby?》SectionA PPT
  • 《What's your hobby?》SectionA Flash动画课件
  • 《What's your hobby?》SectionA MP3音频课件
  • 《What's your hobby?》SectionB PPT
  • 《What's your hobby?》SectionB Flash动画课件
  • 《What's your hobby?》SectionB MP3音频课件
  • 《What's your hobby?》SectionC PPT
  • 《What's your hobby?》SectionC Flash动画课件
  • 《What's your hobby?》SectionC MP3音频课件
  • 《What's your hobby?》SectionD PPT
  • 《What's your hobby?》SectionD Flash动画课件
  • 《What's your hobby?》SectionD MP3音频课件
  • Topic 2
  • 《What sweet music?》SectionA PPT
  • 《What sweet music?》SectionA Flash动画课件
  • 《What sweet music?》SectionA MP3音频课件
  • 《What sweet music?》SectionB PPT
  • 《What sweet music?》SectionB Flash动画课件
  • 《What sweet music?》SectionB MP3音频课件
  • 《What sweet music?》SectionC PPT
  • 《What sweet music?》SectionC Flash动画课件
  • 《What sweet music?》SectionC MP3音频课件
  • 《What sweet music?》SectionD PPT
  • 《What sweet music?》SectionD Flash动画课件
  • 《What sweet music?》SectionD MP3音频课件
  • Topic 3
  • 《What were you doing at this time yesterday?》SectionA PPT
  • 《What were you doing at this time yesterday?》SectionA MP3音频课件
  • 《What were you doing at this time yesterday?》SectionB PPT
  • 《What were you doing at this time yesterday?》SectionB MP3音频课件
  • 《What were you doing at this time yesterday?》SectionC PPT
  • 《What were you doing at this time yesterday?》SectionC MP3音频课件
  • 《What were you doing at this time yesterday?》SectionD PPT
  • 《What were you doing at this time yesterday?》SectionD MP3音频课件
  • unit4
  • Topic 1
  • 《Which do you like betterplants or animals?》SectionA PPT
  • 《Which do you like betterplants or animals?》SectionA MP3音频课件
  • 《Which do you like betterplants or animals?》SectionB PPT
  • 《Which do you like betterplants or animals?》SectionB MP3音频课件
  • 《Which do you like betterplants or animals?》SectionC PPT
  • 《Which do you like betterplants or animals?》SectionC MP3音频课件
  • 《Which do you like betterplants or animals?》SectionD PPT
  • 《Which do you like betterplants or animals?》SectionD MP3音频课件
  • Topic 2
  • 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionA PPT
  • 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionA MP3音频课件
  • 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionB PPT
  • 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionB MP3音频课件
  • 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionC PPT
  • 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionC MP3音频课件
  • 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionD PPT
  • 《How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?》SectionD MP3音频课件
  • Topic 3
  • 《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionA PPT
  • 《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionA MP3音频课件
  • 《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionB PPT
  • 《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionB MP3音频课件
  • 《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionC PPT
  • 《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionC MP3音频课件
  • 《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionD PPT

【目录】仁爱版八年级英语上册PPT课件 下载地址:



