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《A green World》GrammarPPT


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《A green World》GrammarPPT《A green World》GrammarPPT《A green World》GrammarPPT《A green World》GrammarPPT《A green World》GrammarPPT

《A green World》GrammarPPT


To learn to form the passive voice in the simple future tense

To learn to use the passive voice in the simple future tense

Switzerland is a beautiful country with high mountains and clean blue lakes.

In Switzerland what do people do with the things like plastic,paper and glass?

How do they deal with the old clothes in Switzerland?

In Switzerland ,if you cut down trees, what will happen?

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《A green World》PPT,第二部分内容:被动语态的一般将来时

You will be punished if you cut down a tree.

These bottles will be recycled to make new things.

We use the passive voice in the simple future tense when the action has not taken place yet.


He will be taken/is going to be taken to hospital in a few minutes.


The food will be eaten /is going to be eaten by the dog soon.


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《A green World》PPT,第三部分内容:Practice

The students are talking about Environment Week. 

Help them make sentences using passive voice

1.activities / in Environment Week / a lot of / organize / are going to                   

A lot of activities are going to be organized in Environment Week.

2.design / posters / will / by Sandy

Posters will be designed by Sandy.

3.to all the people / send / leaflets / in the town / will 

Leaflets will be sent to all the people in the town.

4.are going to / hold /some of the activities / in the town square

Some of the activities are going to be held in the town square.

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《A green World》PPT,第四部分内容:Make a dialogue

A class meeting ----How to review our  lessons more efficiently

When---next Monday

Where---in Class 7,Grade 8

Who---physics/Chinese/math teacher…

What  activities---  ?

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《A green World》PPT,第五部分内容:实战中考

1. A Disneyland Park  ___ in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future.  (上海市)

A. builds      B. has built        

C. will build     D. will be built

2. A new factory is being built in Neijiang.  I hope it _____ at the end of this year. (四川省内江市)

A. will be finished    B. finishes  

C. will finish            D.is going to finish

3. —It’s said that an airport _____ in Yangzhou. —It’s true. That’s what we are getting excited about these days. (江苏省扬州市) 

A. builds        B. will build        

C. is building  D. will be built

4. Tomorrow there’s a programme about our school on TV. Then it ______ by millions of people. (辽宁沈阳)

A. will see   B. saw

C. will be seen  D. was seen

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II. Kitty is writing an article about pollution. Help her complete the article using the passive voice.


Pollution is one of the biggest problem in the world today. In many places, rubbish (1)___________ (throw) into lakes and rivers, so many of them (2)____________ (pollute). 

In some cities, the air (3)________ (fill) with pollution. This makes people ill, and more people (4)_____________ (hurt) in the future if it is not cleaned up.

As well as people, animals (5)___________ (harm) by pollution. Land and water pollution kills many animals every year. If we do not act to improve the environment, more living things (6)____________ (kill) by pollution.

However, there is some good news. A show (7)___________ (hold) at the town hall this Friday evening. All of us will have a chance to think about the world around us. On that day, we (8)_____________ (show) how to protect the environment.

If we work together, we can make the world a better place.

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《A green World》PPT,第六部分内容:Exercise

I. 根据句意及括号内所给动词的提示填空。

1. A cat __________ (keep) in my grandmother’s house.

2. The concert __________ (hold) last Friday evening.

3. Jane was made _________ (work) ten hours a day.

4. A new hospital _________________ ______ (build) in our city next year.

5. More than 50 trees ________________ (plant) next month.

6._____all the money________________(spend) on the new house by the couple next year?

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《A green World》PPT,第七部分内容:Homework

1. Review the contents of this lesson.

2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.

3. Preview the next lesson.

关键词:牛津译林版八年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,《A green World》PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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